So the dumbo, confused man who enjoys torture vet told my Mom I had gained 18lbs since my last visit (I mean who keeps up with that stuff???). As I sat there saying, "you took my temp how? and YOU want to complain about me???", my Mom listened to why at 4 years old I should not gain that much weight from my last visit. He advised that I DO NOT gain anymore weight, and maybe should go on a diet.
I mean look at me...I am nothing but skin and bones...I am trying to get Mom to send this pic to the I mean take another look at me....I do not need to diet. SKIN and BONES!
And did she tell him that she has not been taking me on walks and that she also gained weight...NOOOOO. I tried to get her to express to him that I love exercise....and here is the proof....
Ok so this is what I do BEFORE I exercise...I mean you should be properly rested to get the most out of it. I do hear the leash being guess it is time to walk!!! Stay healthy my friends. And remember...YOU ARE WHAT YOU I am going to eat a little lap dog!